Wednesday, January 02, 2008

PD/TC: Ennui

I’ve reached new heights (or lows?) in work boredom. I actually blogged this in my phone during my break. Normally, I’d use a pen and my journal. But I’ve yet to get a new one and besides, I just have to email the text file to myself, access it from home, then copy and paste. No typing rework! (I could be such a geek sometimes, I know.)

I’ve been told – and I’d like to stress that it’s not too often that this happens – that my workstation is an utter mess. Luis was looking for a place to hang the Kenshin doll he wants me to keep, but couldn’t find anywhere to place it in. But, in my defense, I’d like to think of my mess as “charming disarray”. Most of the clutter are carryover from the holidays: stuffed bears (Mario and Mirella), a planner, bookS, penS, pictureS, a fish-shaped note-holder-slash-sharpener, a card game, a shotglass, a John Mayer DVD, a rosary, gifts I haven’t sent to Cebu yet (sorry, Jay and Karina!), a bottled Frap drink, and I even have a baseball! Not the stress ball variety, but the real kind used in sports that can cause concussion when thrown with malice at someone. Paulo, who gave it to me, even wrote a stern warning in the card that I should never aim it at anyone. My propensity for accidents is so well-known, what can I say?

So these things are not really clutter, but little testaments to friendships and appreciation.


Ok, ok. That was clearly just a lousy excuse for being a slob. Hehe…

I will find time to tidy up my workstation this week. In the meantime, Kenshin has found temporary lodgings behind my monitor secured by a magnet in Karl’s system unit whose ”testament”, apparently, is a thick layer of dust in his machine.

Misery (or in this case, “disorderly”) loves company, haha. :)

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