Monday, November 22, 2004

Remember your polygons?

I don't know what's up with my section in Computer Graphics class. I have been ceaselessly teased about knowing my polygons.

Our instructor was enumerating the names of the polygons in the order of increasing number of sides. Triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon... you know. And when he got to the polygon with eleven sides, he got stumped and was really trying hard to rake over his memory. I could empathize with that situation since I get so bothered when I forget something. I can't sleep until I text everyone I know if they remember the name of the other guy who hosted Digital Tour, for example. (It was Chunchi Soler, by the way).

Anyway, I spoke up and told him that it was the "undecagon". So everyone turned to look at me and gave me high fives, pats in the back, and hollers. Major classroom disturbance to the nth level.

I'm now known as the "Undecagon girl". Geez.

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