Sunday, January 18, 2009

Feel the Rain

Today's gospel was about faith. Faith like a child, especially. Please don't squirm. This is going to be quick and painless. I just wanted to share it.

The homily mentioned an oft-repeated story about a town facing food shortage because of drought. To address this problem - the townsfolk, along with all the religious groups, priests, and parishioners organized a prayer rally in the plaza to pray for rain.

But among all the people in the crowd, only a small child brought an umbrella.

I wonder at what point do we lose that sense of blind trust. When do we stop being kids who believe that everything will be ok and that life is simple. There are no conditions. Or negotiations. I wish there was some way to unburden ourselves with the doubts that keep on piling up. And begin to trust the truth that we are loved more than we realize.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: when you pray for rain, do you bring an umbrella?

“I assure you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” – Mark 10:15

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