Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Fearless. [thinking aloud]

I love dusks. And rain.

It rained hard at dusk today. And there were sporadic thunderclaps. Just like in The Sound of Music when they were singing My Favorite Things. I'm not scared of thunders. I have a friend who is, though. She jumps in fright every time there's thunder. We tease her about it sometimes. But I realize that we shouldn't. There are just things that one is entitled to be fearful of. Fear is a funny thing. It betrays you. It makes you vulnerable and exposes to the world all the things that you value and hold dear. Maybe it's your life. Maybe it's your pride. Maybe it's your wealth. Maybe it's your loved ones. Each one of our fears reflects our inner selves. It's probably better if we keep our fears to ourselves. So that the whole world wouldn't take advantage of us and of the things that paralyzes us or makes us weak.

The world is a funny place. It's chock full of clueless people. Six billion pathetic lives. Six billion dreams. Six billion fears. Six billion prayers. I hope God has voice mail. And a damn good database system. I don't blame Him if He overlooks my prayers. I bet my priority number is 5,999,999,999. And that's cool with me. Because I fear nothing. Nothing I'd admit to, anyway. Besides, everyone knows that the Lord is our shepherd; we shall not fear.

I'm sure God will get right to me soon. How do I know? Because He made it rain at dusk today.

And I love dusks and rain.

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